Monday, February 11, 2013

1 week, 4 recipes, Multiple orgasms

So, this week I've decided to plan ahead. who would of thought, ME planning ahead...

Everyone who truly knows me, definitely knows that I do not plan ahead. Well, apparently to diminished my everyday frustration of trying to figure out what to cook before my honey gets home, I have decided to make a weekly menu. Now, the questions; what to cook, how long will it take, will it meet my expectations, what day will I cook it? Well to make my life easier I grabbed one of my 20 millions unused cookbooks and randomly selected a few recipes.

First on the list was a craving of mine

Pizookie (A pizza cookie): Warm white chocolate macadamia cookies with vanilla bean ice cream. I first had it at Bj's restaurant. Honestly it is to die for, because it will for sure give you that orgasm you've been longing for. Since Valentine's day is on Thursday, I will make cookies for the office, and of course have my pizookie at home (double orgasm :wink :wink).

I also chose these recipes: 

Sausage Spanish Rice
Beef and Wild Rice Medley
Taco Twists

I will also cook whatever I have at home. 

Spicy Chana(chickpeas) with chicken, Indian style. I make this all the times.
Yuca with garlic

I might add more, but I will post each recipes and pictures and see if actually planning the menu for a week will pay off.

Stay tuned!!


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